Dorschden Swing Trend Solver

The Dorschden Swing Trend solver uses price action and swing points to identify trend.  The Swings Highs & Lows indicator is used inside this solver to identify when swing points are made.  This solver will produce a Long output when higher lows (HL) and higher highs (HH) are detected, to identify an up trend.  Alternatively, a Short output is produced when lower lows (LL) and lower highs (LH) are detected, to identify a down trend.  Essentially, this solver is outputting the OverallTrend Dataseries from the Swings Highs & Lows indicator, which is the same as using the Swings Highs & Lows in the Threshold solver and selecting the OverallTrend output.  See the Examples section below for an illustration.

Note:  When the market exhibits an extreme expansion in price movement, such as a higher high (HH) followed by a lower low (LL), or a LL followed by a HH, the trend direction is unknown and the output will be zero until the next swing point is completed.

BloodHound   v2

This section is specific to BloodHound v2.  Scroll down for BloodHound v1.

Properties tab

Properties tab

This tab contains the essential settings for all nodes.

Output Modifiers


This section provides quick access to commonly used output modifiers.
Please note:   The buttons only modify the individual instance of the selected node(s) on a Logic Board.   Thus, the buttons are only visible when a node is selected on the Logic Board.  The buttons are not available when a solver is selected in the Solvers panel, because the original solver's output can not be globally modified.
This behavior is consistent with adding a function node afterwards, so that the original solver's output remains unmodified elsewhere in the system.  It is similar to having an SMA(50) on several charts.  Changing the plot color on one chart does not modify the plot color on the other charts.

Global Properties

Global Properties

These setting apply to all instances of the selected solver.  Changing a setting in one of the instances changes the setting in all instances.  If you only want to change one of the solvers, but not the others, you must make a copy of the solver.  The copy will be a different solver, and a number will be added at the end of the name to differentiate it from the original.


This option determines which outputs are calculated.  Effectively turning off either the Long or Short output.

SwingTrend Parameters

Trend Selection

Options tab

Options tab

This tab contains extra secondary settings common to all nodes.

This section is used to modify the node's final output value.  It is only useful for designing fuzzy logic systems, or a fuzzy logic section of a system.
Please note:   The Weight controls only modify the individual instance of the selected node(s) on a Logic Board.   Thus, the Weight controls are only visible when a node is selected on the Logic Board.  The controls are not available when a solver is selected in the Solvers panel, because the original solver's output can not be globally modified.
This behavior is different than BloodHound 1.0.  In BH 1.0, the Weight controls modified the nodes output globally (every instance).  This change in BH 2.0 adds more system design granularity.

Multiply Output:   This takes the internal values (the Long and Short values determined via the Properties tab » Output Rules section) and multiplies them by this value.  Note: the final output will not exceed a value of 1, as described in the Slider control below.

Slider control:  The slider constrains the final output to a value of 0 to 1.  The left side of the slider sets a minimum value that is output regardless if the solver condition is true or not.  The right side sets a maximum value that is output.  The output is capped.
e.g.  Three indicator conditions are being checked, and thus three solvers are created.  Only two out of the three indicator conditions are needed.  An Additive logic node is used to add the solver's outputs together.  Just two out of the three solvers need to add up to a value of 1.  Therefore, the right slider (max output value) for all three solvers is set to 0.5.  When two indicator/solver conditions are found, thus the outputs = 0.5, then the calculation, in the Additive node, is 0.5 + 0.5 + 0 = 1.  A value of 1 means the two out of three condition is true.

Hedge Operation: This applies a mathematical formula to the internal value.

None:  No modification is applied.
Very (square output):  A squaring formula is applied.  Output  =  value .
Somewhat (square root output):  A square root formula is applied.  Output  =  √value .



This text area provides a place to write a full description of what the node is doing, used for, or what ever you want.
Note:   The Description is global to all instances of the node.  It is not applied individually to each instance as the Weight controls are.

Help tab

Help tab

This tab displays the documentation page (from this web site) of the selected node.
Please note:  NinjaTrader v8.0.26.0 or newer is required for the built in web viewer to work, and thus the documentation to be displayed.

Video Tutorial

This video is from our weekly Workshop titled Solvers 12-13, on Sep 26th, 2012.
For more benefit please watch in full screen mode, as this video is recorded in HD.
This video shows BloodHound v1, however the settings and usage are the same.


The screenshots below show BloodHound v1, however the settings and usage are still the same.

Example 1: The Basics

This demonstrates the basic function of the Dorschden Swing Trend solver.  This Solver determines trend direction by comparing the current price to previous LowerHighs or HigherLows.

  • Add the Dorschden Swing Trend solver
  • Use the default settings

Notice how the trend cannot be determined until a new swing point is established.

Example 1: Changing Swing Sensitivity

This shows the change that occurs from changing Swing Sensitivity.

  • Add the Dorschden Swing Trend solver
  • Set Swing Sensitivity to 6

BloodHound   v1

This section is specific to BloodHound v1.  Scroll up for BloodHound v2.

Dorschden Swing Trend Solver

The Dorschden Swing Trend solver uses price action and swing points to identify trend.  The SiSwings indicator is used inside this solver to identify when swing points are made.  This solver will produce a Long output when higher lows (HL) and higher highs (HH) are detected, to identify an up trend.  Alternatively, a Short output is produced when lower lows (LL) and lower highs (LH) are detected, to identify a down trend.  Essentially, this solver is outputting the OverallTrend Dataseries from the SiSwings indicator, which is the same as using the SiSwings in the Indicator Threshold solver and selecting the OverallTrend output.  See the Examples section below for an illustration.

Note that when the market exhibits an extreme expansion in price movement, such as a higher high (HH) followed by a lower low (LL), or a LL followed by a HH, the trend direction is unknown and the output will be 0 until the next swing point is completed.


Swing Parameters

Video Tutorial

This video is from our weekly Workshop titled Solvers 12-13, on Sep 26th, 2012.
For more benefit please watch in full screen mode, as this video is recorded in HD.


Example 1: The Basics

This demonstrates the basic function of the Dorschden Swing Trend solver.  This Solver determines trend direction by comparing the current price to previous LowerHighs or HigherLows.

  • Add the Dorschden Swing Trend solver
  • Use the default settings

Notice how the trend cannot be determined until a new swing point is established.

Example 1: Changing Swing Sensitivity

This shows the change that occurs from changing Swing Sensitivity.

  • Add the Dorschden Swing Trend solver
  • Set Swing Sensitivity to 6

Dorschden Swing Trend Solver

The Dorschden Swing Trend solver uses price action and swing points to identify trend.  The SiSwings indicator is used inside this solver to identify when swing points are made.  This solver will produce a Long output when higher lows (HL) and higher highs (HH) are detected, to identify an up trend.  Alternatively, a Short output is produced when lower lows (LL) and lower highs (LH) are detected, to identify a down trend.  Essentially, this solver is outputting the OverallTrend Dataseries from the SiSwings indicator, which is the same as using the SiSwings in the Indicator Threshold solver and selecting the OverallTrend output.  See the Examples section below for an illustration.

Note that when the market exhibits an extreme expansion in price movement, such as a higher high (HH) followed by a lower low (LL), or a LL followed by a HH, the trend direction is unknown and the output will be 0 until the next swing point is completed.


Swing Parameters

Video Tutorial

This video is from our weekly Workshop titled Solvers 12-13, on Sep 26th, 2012.
For more benefit please watch in full screen mode, as this video is recorded in HD.


Example 1: The Basics

This demonstrates the basic function of the Dorschden Swing Trend solver.  This Solver determines trend direction by comparing the current price to previous LowerHighs or HigherLows.

  • Add the Dorschden Swing Trend solver
  • Use the default settings

Notice how the trend cannot be determined until a new swing point is established.

Example 1: Changing Swing Sensitivity

This shows the change that occurs from changing Swing Sensitivity.

  • Add the Dorschden Swing Trend solver
  • Set Swing Sensitivity to 6