Indicators That Don't Play Well With Others

This page provides a list of 3rd party indicators that do not share their data or have various other issues, and therefore do not work with BloodHound.  This page is updated via customer collaboration.  If you know of any indicators that do not work with BloodHound we would appreciate hearing from you, and helping out your fellow dog owners.  Thank you.

This Tips & Tricks video How to analyze custom indicators in BloodHound was created to help you determine if an indicator will work (share its data) with BloodHound.

NinjaTrader 8   Indicators

NOTES for NT8:
1.  OnRender() method:  This is a special way to draw custom graphic on the chart.  The price data of custom graphics can not be read by other indicators.  This method is commonly used to draw multiple zone levels or areas on the chart.

2.  BloodHound is not yet 100% compatible with Data Series » Tick Replay option in NT 8, due to Tick Replay's complex nature.  Therefore, results produced on historical data may not be correct.  Results produced during live data will be correct.

NinjaTrader 7   Indicators

NOTES for NT7:
  Graphics() method:  This is a special way to draw custom graphic on the chart, but it does not provide any readable data to other indicators.  This method is sometimes used to deliberately hide indicator data so it can not be used in a strategy.

2.  Using Daily dataseries issue discussed here:

3.  CoBC is the NinjaTrader parameter ‘Calculate on Bar Close‘.